Senior (50 plus) English courses in Honolulu from 1810US$ for 1 week
These age-specific courses are designed for students 50 years old or older. Each programme combines learning English with activities designed for this specific age group. In Honolulu, the English lessons are with all ages in the school, or, where possible, can be separated with other age-specific students. The social activity programme is always with other students, 50 years old or older, attending the school.
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More information about Honolulu including climate data and events on our Honolulu page with a list of all 8 English schools in Honolulu.
FAQ about Senior (50 plus) English courses in Honolulu
- How much is the cheapest Senior (50 plus) course in Honolulu?1810 US$ for 1 weeks is the lowest price for a Senior (50 plus) course in Honolulu.
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