Senior (50 plus) English courses in St. Julians from 181€ for 1 week
These age-specific courses are designed for students 50 years old or older. Each programme combines learning English with activities designed for this specific age group. In St. Julians, the English lessons are with all ages in the school, or, where possible, can be separated with other age-specific students. The social activity programme is always with other students, 50 years old or older, attending the school.
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St. Julians
St. Julians city attractiveness rated by our students:
More information about St. Julians including climate data and events on our St. Julians page with a list of all 14 English schools in St. Julians.
Reviews by former students who attended a Senior (50 plus) course in St. Julians
Our teacher Rob was very good, big praise!
7 October 2024
Course: EC Escapes - 2 weeks
Student age: 48 years
4.3| 9 reviews
SilkeEC English 30+
Many afternoon activities, very friendly/cheerful atmosphere
20 May 2024
Course: General English 50+ Programme - 2 weeks
Student age: 64 years
4.2| 10 reviews
Anna MariaEuropean School of English
Punctual start.
18 October 2023
Course: General English 50+ Programme - 1 week
Student age: 57 years
4.2| 10 reviews
MichaelEuropean School of English
I particularly enjoyed all the classes with the teacher. Clayton is a super lecturer!
Great atmosphere and excellent course organisation.
17 April 2023
Course: 50+ Programme - 2 weeks
Student age: 63 years
3.6| 37 reviews
I liked the school's atmosphere, the trips and the teaching system.
17 October 2021
Course: 50+ Programme - 2 weeks
Student age: 63 years
3.6| 37 reviews
MałgorzataGSE - Gateway School of English
FAQ about Senior (50 plus) English courses in St. Julians
- How much is the cheapest Senior (50 plus) course in St. Julians?181 € for 1 weeks is the lowest price for a Senior (50 plus) course in St. Julians. The average cost of a Senior (50 plus) course in St. Julians is 455 € per week..What is the best language school offering Senior (50 plus) courses in St. Julians?Maltalingua School of English has received the best overall rating in St. Julians among all language schools offering Senior (50 plus) programmes.Which English school offers the best rated teaching for Senior (50 plus) courses in St. Julians?Berlitz - English Language Academy was rated highest for quality of teaching among
schools with Senior (50 plus) courses. What school would you recommend in Malta for a 40-year-old student?“Currently (2024), our partner school EC English 30+ offers courses for students aged 30 and above, so I would recommend it if you are looking for a more 'mature' environment in lessons. ”Veronica Romualdi, Language Travel Consultant from LanguageCourse.Net - Oct 07, 2024Unsure which city to choose?Our language travel experts can help you choose the city that suits you best.English schools offering Senior (50 plus) courses in other destinations