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English Language Schools in Radolfzell

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Most recent student reviews of language schools in Radolfzell

Carl Duisberg Centrum

The quality of teaching at the school is very good and most of the teachers teach very well. The environment is also very good, on the quiet side, very suitable for learning

6 November 2023
Course: German Intensive Course Premium - 12 weeks
Student age: 30 years


Rating: 4.4

| 41 reviews
Carl Duisberg Centrum

Language lesson.
Food can really be better.

13 August 2020
Course: German Intensive Course Premium - 1 week
Student age: 15 years


Rating: 4.4

| 41 reviews
Carl Duisberg Centrum

I spent 2 months in Radolfzell and these months were the best of my life. At school, both the teachers and other staff were particularly helpful and nice. Classes were never boring and the teacher answered every question. After the lessons, the school organized leisure activities that were always varied and interesting. Already on the first day I found friends with whom I speak every day. Although Radolfzell is a small town, I have never been bored. You have the opportunity to bathe in Lake Constance or drive any boats, do a lot of sports, go to pubs and just shop or eat. Nevertheless, the city is safe. You can also go on a little trip to Switzerland, France, Italy or Austria because they are very close. You should not doubt, because no matter what kind of person you are, you will enjoy this language school and city. I hope I can go back again. :)))

19 October 2019
Course: German Intensive Course Premium - 4 weeks
Student age: 16 years


Rating: 4.4

| 41 reviews
Carl Duisberg Centrum

The classes and the material covered during class and homework

23 August 2018
Course: German Intensive Course Premium - 1 week
Student age: 18 years


Rating: 4.4

| 41 reviews
Carl Duisberg Centrum

Wonderful location in a small town on Bodensee. Nice small size school, easy to get to know participants in many other classes. Very friendly and helpful staff, including the cafeteria lady with her home-made cakes during the morning break and the social activity coordinators.
My CDC guest house room needs more electricity sockets. It had just one socket, high up on the wall beside the light switch near the door, very far from the table, which is fixed in place.

18 September 2017
Course: German Intensive Course Premium - 1 week
Student age: 68 years


Rating: 4.4

| 41 reviews

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