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Arabic Language Schools in Antalya

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Most recent student reviews of language schools in Antalya

Babil Language School

The organisation was great - however, we were not informed in advance that the number of hours would be reduced due to lack of participation...

11 December 2023
Course: Intensive Course 20 - 1 week
Student age: 56 years


Rating: 4.3

| 42 reviews
Babil Language School

Really good teacher. Location was nice. Certificate. Everyone was really nice.
Although the beforehand given information were incomplete, the quality of the language class itself was remarkably good and the teacher gave her best! For me it was a really good decision!

30 August 2023
Course: Intensive Course 20 - 3 weeks
Student age: 22 years


Rating: 4.3

| 42 reviews
Babil Language School

Good teacher who smoothly went through the material so that it matched our questions. Nice to follow the lessons with fellow students. Nice timetable (we had lessons from 10-13h).

8 August 2023
Course: Intensive Course 20 - 2 weeks
Student age: 41 years


Rating: 4.3

| 42 reviews
Babil Language School

I love the methods of teaching. Knowledge of English as the helping language was at level.

6 June 2023
Course: Intensive Course 20 - 2 weeks
Student age: 34 years


Rating: 4.3

| 42 reviews
Babil Language School

Other course participants paid 115 euros for 5 weeks with 20 hours each, I was charged almost twice as much for 2 weeks by the booking service and the school, but there was no grading, the weekly hours were cut to 15 without consultation and those who had booked 5 weeks were only supposed to get 3. So most dropped out of the course and at least one got money back. I dropped out after 4 days because I didn't want to accept the teacher's behaviour.

29 May 2023
Course: Intensive Course 20 - 2 weeks
Student age: 66 years


Rating: 4.3

| 42 reviews

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