Swedish Language Radio Stations - Ranking by popularity
Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
Mix Megapol Stockholm Stockholm
Hits of last 20 years, Pop & Current Charts
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://www.radioplay.se/mixmegapolPress play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Stockholm Stockholm
Hits of last 20 years, Sports, News (mainly local), Local Music
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/stockholm/Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
Mix Megapol Göteborg Göteborg
Pop & Current Charts
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://www.radioplay.se/mixmegapolgoteborgPress play button below to start playing the radio station:
Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
P3 Star Stockholm
Pop & Current Charts
Max. stream size: 127 kb
https://sverigesradio.se/sida/default.aspx?ProgramId=1607Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Göteborg Göteborg
Rock, Sports, Pop & Current Charts, News (mainly national)
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/goteborg/Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Malmöhus Malmö
Sports, News, Talk, Local Music, News (mainly local)
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/malmoPress play button below to start playing the radio station:
NRJ Sweden Stockholm
Pop & Current Charts, Euro Hits, Talk
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://www.radioplay.se/nrjPress play button below to start playing the radio station:
Guldkanalen Malmö
Hits of last 20 years, Local Music
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://www.guldkanalen.se/Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
The Voice Stockholm
Hip Hop, Rythm and Blues, Electro
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://www.radioplay.se/thevoicePress play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Östergötland Norrköping, Östergötland
Rock, Local Music, News (mainly local), Sports, Talk
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/ostergotland/Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Västernorrland Sundsvall
Local Music, News (mainly local), World Music
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/vasternorrland/Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Kristianstad Hörby, Skåne
Rock, Sports, Talk
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/kristianstad/Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Jönkoping Jönköping, Småland
Rock, Local Music, News (mainly local)
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/jonkoping/Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
Din Gata 100,6 Malmö
Hip Hop, Rythm and Blues
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/sida/default.aspx?programid=2576Press play button below to start playing the radio station:
P4 Värmland Karlstad, Värmland
Rock, Local Music, News (mainly local), Sports, Talk
Max. stream size: 127 kb
http://sverigesradio.se/varmland/Press play button below to start playing the radio station: