IELTS English courses in New Delhi from 626US$ for 4 weeks
The International English Language Test is a well-established English exam, popular for University entry or as a job requirement. Students can take the exam at any time. For this reason, the course duration and start dates are flexible, mostly starting every Monday. Students can take the course in New Delhi until they are ready for the exam.
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New Delhi
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More information about New Delhi including climate data and events on our New Delhi page with a list of all 1 English schools in New Delhi.
General facts about International English Language Testing System / IELTS
The International English Language Testing System / IELTS test is being recognized by many universities worldwide as a proof of your English abilities for possible admittance.
Examination fees
Fees vary depending on the examination centre.
Examination dates
Dates vary depending on the examination centre
Other cities often combined with English courses in New Delhi
English schools
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